In my opening statement I pointed out that the
burden of proof for the existence of the Christian conception of God falls
squarely on the person making the positive claim. Not only is it not necessary,
but it is not possible to prove that such a God does not exist. Ben refers to
this position as “weak atheism”, and implies that my position is consequently
weak. I prefer to let the reader decide which of us is in the stronger
In the famous “Russell’s teapot”, the philosopher
Bertrand Russell points out that it is not possible to disprove the existence
of a teapot orbiting between the Earth and Mars, but that accepting the idea
without evidence is not rational. In this case the teapot is at least a
coherent concept. But with Ben’s definition of God, he fails to meet the
standard of coherence, and thus we are not even in a position to consider what
might constitute evidence.
More importantly, in response to my contention that
his belief in the Christian God is irrational, Ben writes, “we are debating about
the existence of God, not the mere rational status of my beliefs. All of my
beliefs in this regard could be “fatally flawed” and that would not prove
anything with respect to the subject of the debate.” It seems the point of any
debate is to show that your opponent’s position is not rationally supported,
while your own is rationally sound. If Ben is not interested in demonstrating
the “mere rational status” of his beliefs, then it’s hard to imagine why I, or
anyone else, would take his arguments seriously.
I also stated that according to the definition of
God that Ben is using, “incomprehensible” stood out. It was stated that I was
equivocating on this concept when I suggested that I could simply agree and
claim victory. I don’t see how agreeing with this particular attribute is
equivocating, but Ben provided a clarification of the term anyway; “divine incomprehensibility refers to the
doctrine that God cannot be fully comprehended and is unknowable apart from
self-revelation.” Assuming that Ben is not providing to us, through his
argument, a “self-revelation”, then I am not dissuaded from agreeing with him that
God is “unknowable”. Yet Christians of
all stripes will continue to make arguments in an attempt to show that we can somehow
know the unknowable. If, in Ben’s
opinion, I’ve set the bar too low in this debate, then certainly he’s not only
set the bar impossibly high, but he’s conceded that he cannot reach it.
If it isn’t
obvious that “incomprehensible”, as a characteristic of the very thing that is
being defined, doesn’t contradict the idea of a definition, then perhaps
another example will help. Let’s take “forgiving iniquity” on one hand, and “who
will by no means clear the guilty” on the other. If forgiveness is to mean
anything, then clearly it must mean absolving one of guilt in some sense. Or
how about “living’ and “immutable”? In what sense can a changeless entity said
to be alive? If an entity does not grow, or learn, or age, or reproduce, then
calling it ‘living’ becomes a meaningless assertion. And if it is thought that
God is an immaterial mind such that growing, et al, doesn’t apply, then what
about thoughts? What is the purpose of thoughts if not to conceptualize new
relationships and thus increase knowledge? But new knowledge is a change in the
state of one’s knowledge, which contradicts God’s supposed immutable nature,
not to mention his supposed omniscience. As with virtually every proposed
characteristic of God, the characteristic is immediately negated by a subsequent
characteristic. The proposed definition of God is an impressive list of terms
that says absolutely nothing.
As with other Transcendental Arguments for God
(TAG), the TAG-M (mathematics) version relies on an intentional conflation of
reality with the models used to represent reality. Whether it’s the use of
mathematics or the traditional reference to the laws of logic, the error is the
same. In Ben’s original argument he referred to the “mathematical universe”,
and calls numbers “mental objects”. Mathematics is useful because it mirrors
the consistency that we observe in reality. But we are not observing “mental
objects” within some parallel “mathematical universe”. Numbers are not real,
existent entities, but rather mental constructs used to model the behavior we
observe in reality. The use of the term “object” is an equivocation designed to
blur the distinction between an abstract concept and the reality to which it
refers. Once the distinction is realized, the TAG (and TAG-M) argument
I was also accused of failing to substantiate my
claim of reification on Ben’s part. As Ben points out, reification is the false
assigning of concreteness to an
abstraction. But this is exactly the point when Ben calls numbers mental
objects. Ben wishes to confer independent existence (real, existent entities)
to mental abstractions. In this sense, concepts are granted existence status
equivalent to physical objects, and the only remaining question is in what kind
of mind to store them. This is reification in broad daylight.
To see how Ben continues to confuse the abstract
from the real, consider this question he poses in his first response; “If everything
with a brain woke up dead tomorrow, how much would 2+2 equal?” The key here is
that Ben is asking the question today, when brains are available to ask and
answer the question. He and the reader can conceive of the question and the
numbers involved. However, if tomorrow there are no brains, neither the
question, or the numbers involved, would be conceptualized. The answer is, as
far as we know, that the underlying reality which we model with numbers will
survive the death of all brains, but the mathematical model that we use to
represent that reality will cease with our brains.
The Anderson-Welty argument (TAG meets Ontological),
commits the same error as TAG-M. The arguments states that “propositions are
real entities”, but then fails to distinguish propositions from the reality to
which they refer. The error is only compounded by trying to bridge the flawed
TAG argument, as the premise, to the ontological argument, which has problems
of its own.
I’m happy to clarify my use of the term axiom in my
opening statement. I am using the term to mean a necessary truth foundational
to subsequent knowledge claims. So when I refer to Einstein’s use of axioms, I
am not referring to the mathematical principles used to derive his equations,
but the foundations of rational thought.
Ben accuses me of viciously circular question
begging when I state that he “wants the attribute of a person without the
physical baggage that comes with it.” Ben is claiming an immaterial transcendent
mind as a person. I’m fine if he wants to define persons this way, but what are
we going to call the 7 billion or so people here on earth? We are physical,
temporal, imperfect animals. We are, in virtually every sense, not persons per
Ben’s definition. If Ben did not want the association of God with the hominids
formerly known as persons, then I apologize.
Under the heading of “Subjectivism incompatible with
realism” Ben wonders out loud how I can be a “subjectivist-realist”, which he
states is a contradiction. I think Ben would agree that there is an objective
reality that we engage through our subjective experience. It’s not a
contradiction to have an objective reality exist while only being able to
experience it subjectively. The implied question here is “How can we justify
our knowledge of objective reality?” Positing a “divine self-revelation” as
some way of justifying the objective reality is the core of the
Presuppositionalist argument, and one that I have debunked at some length in
other writings. But suffice it to say that positing objective knowledge of an
objective reality through the subjective experience of “self-revelation” doesn’t
get you there.
On Ben’s point of clarification about Dr. Anderson’s
paper Calvinism and the First Sin, he
is mistaken in asserting that Dr. Anderson’s conclusion that “sin is
intrinsically irrational” only referred to the act of sinning as being
irrational. I’ve just finished a video review of Dr. Anderson’s paper ( - where you can also find a link to the full
paper in the notes) and his conclusion is in the context of trying, and
failing, to find a rational path to explain why Adam sinned without God being
morally culpable. The conclusion “sin is intrinsically irrational” refers
directly to Dr. Anderson’s inability to provide a rational explanation for the
Calvinist doctrine of original sin, and not to any individual act of “sinning”.
On the subject of sin, I’m provided with a small
sermon at the end of Ben’s response, in which he implies that I’m a sinful, “irrational
God-hater”. No doubt I’m not completely rational in all my pursuits, but I’ve
tried to use my best understanding of logic to construct a view of reality that
is as accurate as possible. As we see with Dr. Anderson’s paper noted above,
some do not constrain their views of reality to the same standard, and indeed
even embrace the “mystery” of irrationality. If Ben’s embracing of “reason in
Jesus Christ” means jettisoning reason when it conflicts with his religious
doctrine, then I think I’ll stick with my “sinful” ways.
ReplyDeleteYou've already lost the debate in your opening argument. Even Bertrand understood that this justification for unbelief only gets you to agnosticism, but you are arguing for atheism, which carries with it a burden of proof.
This is of course, assumes we agree with Bertrand, which I don't. I don't believe in Bertrand's teapot because of absence of evidence, but because I have good positive evidence that no such teapot was ever launched into orbit. I've also had a great deal of time observing teapots to justify that they are not able to launch itself into space.
Furthermore, it would be unjustified for me to reject the proposition that there are planets in Andromeda, simply because there are no telescopes big enough to spot them. We know how the cosmic world evolves and this gives us enough justification to believe that the planets do exist.
My belief in Andromeda planets is based on positive evidence in the same way my unbelief in Bertrand's teapot is justified.
John - You express a common misconception about atheists and agnostics. The easiest way to think of it is that atheism deals with belief, while agnosticism deals with knowledge. An agnostic can believe in a god while not claiming to know that a god exists. An atheist simply has no theist beliefs.
DeleteConsider this analogy: You and I come across a jar filled with gumballs. You look at the jar and proclaim that there are an odd number of gumballs in the jar. Having just come across this jar, I don't see how you could have counted the number, nor do I have reason to think that you had previous knowledge of the contents. So I don't believe your claim. Does this mean that I believe that there are an even number of gumballs? No. I have no evidence for that conclusion either. If neither of us count the number of gumballs, and thus I have no evidence that the number is even, does that mean that you have proven the number is odd? No, of course not. It simply means that you have made a claim that is not supported. Disbelief in your claim is the only reasonable position.
In the same way, disbelief in God (atheism) is the only reasonable position unless and until evidence for God is provided. And because belief is a minimum requirement for knowledge, I also don't know a God exists (agnosticism). I am then an agnostic atheist.
The difference of course, is that we both know what gumballs are, and we can easily agree on what evidence is required to establish whether there are an even or odd number in the jar. The concept of the Christian God is incoherent and self-contradictory, and thus we don't know what it is we need evidence for, or even what constitutes evidence.
Thanks for your comments.
DeleteThank you for the thoughtful reply. It's greatly appreciated! I only wish I could have these types of conversations with everyone.
I’ll grant, for now, that what you have said may justify your own position. However, my point was that you are participating in a debate. The debate you are having is "Does God Exist?" in which your part in this metaphysical question was to answer in the negative. Based on what you said, it sounds like you have no part in the negative side of the question. Thus, even the smallest amount of plausibility on Ben’s part wins him the debate. Perhaps, he still loses the debate, it’ll end lose-lose, but you’re the only one sure to lose.
Leaving my first point aside and moving to your justification. You must be far smarter than I, because I don’t follow your arguments from your conclusions. Perhaps, there is a nuance between “has no theist beliefs” and “disbelief,” that I’m not picking up on. I’ll assume you mean disbelief since it’s more clear (not trying to be a pain in all honesty. The wording “has no theist beliefs” seemed intentionally worded).
To your gumball analogy: Your disbelief formed in the analogy is not without some sort of positive evidence. You mention that you cannot see me count or that I don’t seem to have previous knowledge. There is a body of evidence from which you are led to a conclusion of disbelief. Perhaps your mistake in constructing this analogy is because it is entirely unnatural to hold to an unbelief, like a belief, without evidence. The real question in unbelief is whether your positive evidence is rational or irrational.
Let’s reconstruct the analogy to the position you are trying to, but seemingly failing to argue:
Let’s say I hear a guy behind me claim “there is an even number.” I turn around and see you standing in front of a jar of gumballs. Without any positive evidence, I am completely unwarranted in my unbelief of you. Perhaps, you put the jar together and counted them before hand? Perhaps someone told you prior to my observation of you? I’d have no justification in holding a position of unbelief (not to mention kind of a jerk (for sillies not ad hominem). It seems your unbelief is quite irrational.
Hope this helps in your debate.
Let me try another analogy. In a court of law the jury is charged with determining the guilt or innocence of the defendant, right? Wrong. The jury's one and only task is to determine whether the prosecutor has presented sufficient evidence to establish guilt. The verdict is either guilty or not-guilty. The defense attorney does not need to establish Innocence, but only that the evidence to convict is insufficient. So if the defense merely needs to show that the prosecutor's conclusion of guilt does not reasonably follow from his argument. If the defense does this, then in every sense they have won the case.
ReplyDeleteHere's another analogy. A man comes up to us and tells us that he met a man that is over 200 years old, is over 10 feet tall, and can stop the wind with his thoughts. Do you believe him? Since this is well outside of our experience, I would want some evidence before I even entertain the idea. When I ask to see the 200 year old man I'm told that I can't be taken to him, and in fact I can't be told where he is.
Is my disbelief/unbelief/lack of belief (whatever you want to call it) reasonable? Do I need to demonstrate that such a man does not exist to reasonably reject the claim? How would I prove this man does not exist? No matter where I look, there will always be some place unexplored.
How much more rational is my unbelief in Ben's conception of God if I'm told that this God is "unknowable" unless I first believe in Him? This God is said to outside of space and time and is immaterial such that no evidence, even in principle, could be used to verify His existence.
I could (and I have in the past) make an argument from theory of mind, or frontal lobe epilepsy, or Prof. Persinger's "God helmet", or anthropology that God is a human construct of natural origins. But this simply isn't necessary.